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Year names of Ur-dukuga

1. mu dur-du6-ku3-ga lugal
Year: Ur-Dukuga (is) king

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a. mu dur-du6-ku3-ga lugal-e i7 im-gur-dnin-in-si-na mu-ba-al
Year: Ur-Dukuga, the king, dug the canal Imgur-Ninisin / beloved of Nin-Isin

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b. mu dur-du6-ku3-ga lugal-e geššu-nir gal-gal ku3-sig17 huš-a-ta 2-a-bi kin galam-ma ak dnanna u3 dutu-ra mu-ne-dim2
Year: Ur-Dukuga, the king, ordered 2 large emblems of reddish gold to be made for Nanna and Utu

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c. mu dur-du6-ku3-ga lugal-e e2-dur2-ki-gar-ra ki-dur2 ku3 ki-ag2-ga2-ni dda-gan dingir-re-e-ne-er mu-na-du3
Year: Ur-Dukuga, the king, built for Dagan his! god (the temple) Edurkigarra, his holy beloved abode

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