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Goetze, Albrecht


Goetze, Albrecht


11 July 1897 - 15 August 1971


Leipzig, Germany


Hittitology; Assyriology

Major works

Hattushilish, Leipzig 1925 Keilschrifturkunden aus Boghazköi 14, 19, 21, 23, 26, Berlin 1926-1933 Madduwattash, Leipzig 1928 Das Hethiter-Reich, Leipzig 1928 Verstreute Boghazköi-Texte, Marburg 1930 Die Annalen des Murshilis, Leipzig 1933 Kleinasien, München 1933 Murshilish Sprachlähmung, Copenhagen 1934 Hethiter, Churriter und Assyrer, Oslo 1936 The Hittite Ritual of Tunnawi (AOS 14), New Haven 1938 Kizzuwatna and the Problem of Hittite Geography (YOSR 22), New Haven 1940 Old Babylonian Omen Texts (YOS 10), New Haven 1947 The Laws of Eshnunna, New Haven 1956 Bibliography in JCS 26 (1974) 2-15 (J.J. Finkelstein) see also: M. Smith, Untold Stories: The Bible and Ugaritic Studies in the Twentieth Century, Peabody, MA, 2o01ƒ


Lecturer, University of Heidelberg, 1922-1927 Professor, University of Marburg, 1927-1933 Professor of Assyriology, Yale University, 1936-1965 co-founder, with A. Sachs and Th. Jacobsen, of the first U.S. Assyriological journal, JCS, 1946, and editor of the first 23 vols. Biography in American National Biography 9 (1999) 166-167 (B.R. Foster)


JAOS 92 (1972) 197-203 (J.J. Finkelstein) AfO 24 (1973) 243-245 (H.G. Güterbock), with photo BASOR 206 (1972) 3-6 (T. Jacobsen)

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