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Here is a list of sites in the Ancient Near East with their ancient and modern names.


  1. Location: Modern tell of Bismaya (NLat 31°57', ELong 45°37')
  2. Excavation History: Excavations in 1904-1905 (University of Chicago, E. J. Banks)
  3. Writing of the City Name: UD.NUNki
  4. Patron Deities: goddess Nintu + her consort Ašgi


  1. Location: Modern tell of Nuffar (NLat 32°08'n ELong 45°15')
  2. Excavation History: Excavations from 1889 to 1900 (University of Pennsylvania and Babylonian Exploration Fund) and in the years following 1948 (University of Chicago and University of Pennsylvania
  3. Writing of the City Name: EN. LIL2ki
  4. Patron Deities: Enlil, (chief god of the Sumerian pantheon) + her consort Ninlil. His shrine in Nippur is called the E-kur. The chief god of the city is Ninurta
  5. Kings:
  6. Written Documentation:
cities.1413383375.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/10/15 15:29 (external edit)
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