Table of Contents
Ebla, located approximately 55km from Aleppo in Syria, was a prominent site throughout the third millennium. It is the only site of its kind in this region to show levels of urbanisation equal to any Early Dynastic period city in southern Mesopotamia. The city was culturally autonomous, being far away from Sumer, and showed a historical and cultural continuity with earlier periods. Despite being culturally autonomous, the city had adopted the cuneiform writing system of southern Mesopotamia and used it to write its own language, now known as Eblaite. The extensive archives found at Ebla point to a very early adoption of the cuneiform script, and therefore cast doubt on the extent to which their literary material was influenced by Mesopotamia. A large number of religious texts at Ebla have parallels in Mesopotamia, but others written primarily in Eblaite have no attested counterparts and feature geographic references and divine names that indicate a distinctly Syrian milieu.
Sign Lists and Syllabaries
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