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Field, Henry


Field, Henry


1902 -



Major works

The Early History of Man, Chicago 1929 The Field Museum-Oxford University Expedition to Kish, Mesopotamia 1923-1929, Chicago 1929 The Races of Mankind, Chicago 1933 Arabs of central Iraq, their history, ethnology, and physical characters, Chicago 1935 Contributions to the Anthropology of Iran, Chicago 1939 The Anthropology of Iraq I, No.1: The Upper Euphrates, Chicago 1940 The Anthropology of Iraq, Part I, No.2: The Lower Euphrates-Tigris Region, Chicago 1949 Contributions to the anthropology of the Caucasus, Cambridge Mass. 1953 The Track of Man, London 1953


Curator of Physical Anthropology in the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago (1934-41) Research Fellow in Physical Anthropology, Harvard University (1950-1969) Faculty, Miami University, 1966-

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