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Proto-Elamite is the last un-deciphered writing system from the Ancient Near East with a substantial number of sources (more than 1600 published texts). It was used for a relatively short period around 3000 BC across what is today Iran. Proto-Elamite is a derived writing system originating from the Uruk invention of writing in southern Mesopotamia during the middle of the 4th millennium BC. Scribes in Susa in southwestern Iran took over a majority of the numerical signs as well as many of the numerical systems from the older proto-cuneiform system.

What is proto-Elamite?

Writing phases

Basic Semantic Classification of Signary

Basic structure of documents

Proto-Elamite metrological systems

History of decipherment


Tools for the Study of Proto-Elamite

Images of the proto-Elamite tablets are available on CDLI (search for proto-Elamite under 'period' or use this link). Images of various qualities are available for a majority of the tablets. These should be consulted for all research questions as many of the hand copies, drawn 80-100 years ago, are unreliable.

Transliterations can be downloaded from the same website, but are also available here. The signs are numbered according to the working sign list of J Dahl (available here). Additional information on seals and text structure is being added.

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The Corpus

There are more than 1600 texts and fragments in museums around the world. The majority of the texts are in the Louvre Museum, Paris, and the National Iranian Museum, Teheran.

MDP 6, 212 Click here to go to the CDLI page for this tablet.

The majority of the Louvre tablets were published shortly after their discovery, only 150 - 200 tablets and fragments remain unpublished there. The first two proto-Elamite tablets were published in 1900, by Vincent Scheil (as MDP 2, 130 and 131), they were later republished as MDP 6, 399 and 4996, in 1905. The majority of the tablets in the National Iranian Museum were published in MDP 26.

List of publications of proto-Elamite tablets:

198 tablets published in MDP 6.

490 tablets published in MDP 17.

485 tablets published in MDP 26.

170 tablets published in MDP 26S.

50 tablets published in MDP 31.

15 tablets published in RA 50.

106 tablets published in MDP 31.

The published copies are not always very reliable. Generally speaking MDP 17 and MDP 26S ranks among the better of the early publications. The early publications were all accompanied by sign-lists. As expected the number of signs grew with each text publication, and the sign-lists in the MDP volumes testify to this. However, recent collations and grapho-tactical analysis has brought the number of proto-Elamite signs down to about 1200.

Work is currently under way to publish the remaining proto-Elamite tablets in the Louvre, as well as to re-publish the previously published texts.

In the course of this work all of the Louvre proto-Elamite tablets have been collated and transliterated by J. Dahl. These transliterations are available at the CDLI.

Click here for a list of all proto-Elamite texts in the CDLI catalogue

A revised version of Meriggi's sign-list was used to complete these transliterations.

The Sign List

  • P. Meriggi, La scrittura proto-elamica. Parte IIa: Catalogo dei segni (Rome 1974)
  • Download a copy of J. Dahl's working sign files, in Adobe EPS format (128 MB, zip archive]


This bibliography is maintained by Kathryn Kelley. Please send additions directly to

Abdi, K.

2003. "From Écriture to Civilization. Changing Paradigms of Proto-Elamite Archaeology". in Yeki bud, yeki nabud. Essays on the Archaeology of Iran in Honor of William S. Sumner. Edited by Naomi F. Miller and Kamyar Abdi. Monograph 48 Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, University of California, Los Angeles. 140-151.

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2005."Complex Graphemes in Proto-Elamite," in Cuneiform Digital Library Journal(CDLJ) 2005:3. Download a PDF copy

2005. "Animal Husbandry in Susa during the Proto-Elamite Period" SMEA 47 (2005) 81-134 (PDF copy [7.7 MB])

2009. "Early Writing in Iran, a Reappraisal." Iran 47. University Press, Cambridge: 23-31.

2013. "Early Writing in Iran". in D.T. Potts (Ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Iran. OUP: 233-262.

2019. Proto-Elamite Tablets and Fragments. Textes cunéiforme du Louvre 32 (Khéops / Louvre éditions Publishing, Paris).

2018. "The Proto-Elamite Writing System". In J. Álvarez-Mon, G. P. Basello, Y. Wicks eds., The Elamite World. Routledge. 383-396.

Dahl, J., M. Hessari and R. Yousefi

2013. "The proto-Elamite tablets from Tepe Sofalin". Iranian Journal of Archaeological Studies 2/1 (2013), 57-73.

Dahl, J. L., L. F. Hawkins, and K. Kelley.

2018. "Labour Administration in Proto-Elamite Iran" in What’s in a Name? Terminology related to the Work Force and Job Categories in the Ancient Near East (A. Garcia-Ventura, ed.), 15–44. Alt Orient und Altes Testament 440. Ugarit Verlag: Münster.

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2006. “The Origins of Writing as a Problem of Historical Epistemology,” in Cuneiform Digital Library Journal (CDLJ) 2006:1. Download a PDF copy

Damerow, P. and R. K. Englund.

1989. The Proto-Elamite Texts from Tepe Yahya (= The American School of Prehistoric Research Bulletin 39; Cambridge, MA.

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2004."The State of Decipherment of Proto-Elamite," in: Stephen Houston, ed. The First Writing:Script Invention as 
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